Wednesday 30 November 1994

Binge Drinking

Title – Binge Drinking
Date – November 1994

Binge drinking is by some reports at epidemic levels in the United Kingdom, the phenomenon is not set to fade anytime soon and it presents particular challenges to the Security Industry, Licensed Retail Sector and Entertainment Industry.

At Beyond The Blue we tackle and challenge the problem head on, both through our In-House Security Induction training (IHSI) and Consultancy work with our clients. We understand the financial pressures that some of our clients are under to achieve sales targets as well as the pressures they are under from authorities to minimise the public nuisance that binge drinking causes. This fine balance is one that we seek to maintain and strongly believe that there is much mileage in promoting responsible drinking and the benefits that this can bring.

The reputation of a venue is often its strongest selling point and can be its weakest link. Through consultancy projects we put strong measures into place to maintain order and a level of service that will place your venue above it competitors without the need to encourage the ‘bingers’ to flock in and take advantage of price reductions which cut margins and often increase costs.

Please visit our website at

Image – Peter Mayhew

Wednesday 8 June 1994


Title – Cocktails
Date – June 1994

Our goal as always at Beyond The Blue is to make your staff realise the value of good service and ensure customers don’t realise the effort and hard work that goes into the final product.

We believe that the customer should not notice anything but the entertainment they have come to see, be that a dinner and live band or other performance. The customer does not pay to get an understanding of how an event is managed and how long and hard the staff have worked, they come to have fun and relax in a safe and friendly environment.

It’s our job to make sure our staff are motivated and well looked after and our job to make sure they go home safe, satisfied and having provided an excellent service.

Please visit our website at

Image – Peter Mayhew