Thursday 8 June 2006

Door Teams

Title – Door teams
Date – June 2006

Door supervisors and security staff are the first contact your customers will have when they enter your venue and the last impression they are left with when they leave.

For this reason alone providing them with professional training is essential to any business or organisation. The professional standards set by the management are often not matched by door supervisors who are notoriously difficult to manage. This process is made more difficult when door supervisors are contracted in.

At Beyond The Blue we can help with many aspects of your training, your Event Management and Event Security. We understand the need for a professional approach and for professional, suitably trained and experienced staff. In this way we are able to provide your customers with excellent customer service.

For organisations that wish to move away from contracted staff, we can provide comprehensive training; In-House Security Induction courses (IHSI) designed specifically with your venue or event in mind; Conflict Management and Resolution (CMR) training ensures staff from any area are competent when dealing with any situation involving aggression and violence; and the National Certificate for Door Supervisors (NCDS) for staff that require a licence to perform in their role.

With this professional training, businesses and organisations can bring security staff and door supervisors back in house, providing the managers with the control they need to provide excellent levels of service and reduce the excessive costs of contracted-in staff. We also provide Venue Specific Manuals to provide a record of all the systems and procedures your business or organisation has developed in conjunction with Beyond The Blue.

Professionalism is the watch word in the security industry and Beyond The Blue is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of excellent service and professionalism a giant leap forward.

Please visit our website at

Image – Ian Stephen

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