Monday 1 May 2006

Strangle Release

Title – Strangle Release
Date – May 2006

As part of our Physical Intervention and Personal Safety training course we teache techniques that allow individuals to release themselves from a strangle hold without the need to effect a strike or similar high impact technique. Our techniques not only release the strangle hold but follow through to create space and allow individuals to remove themselves from the aggressors fighting arc. Our techniques do not rely on force or strength as they are designed to be low-impact and to reduce the levels of aggressions as opposed to overpowering the aggressor.

Our trainers demonstrate techniques with members of the group they are training, before allowing time for individuals within the group to practice with each other. The demonstrations often prove that size is not the primary factor to achieving success; but rather a good understanding of the technique; the use of levers; and using the aggressors own strength against them. These will help you to achieve your goals.

Please visit our website at

Image – Peter Mayhew

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