Friday 3 November 2006

No Martial Arts

Title – No martial arts
Date – November 2006

We don’t teach martial arts; we don’t expect candidates attending any of our courses to be experts in any form or martial arts by the end of a days training; we understand that anything we teach much be easy to absorb and easy to remember.

Here our instructor demonstrates what we don’t expect, tying yourself or anyone else into a knot just doesn’t work. We believe is simple and straight forward techniques that are easy to learn and easy to perfect. So when you find yourself needing to employ a personal safety technique, it comes back to you without the need to prance around like the Karate Kid.

Beyond The Blue provide training courses in a number of different sectors including; Conflict Management and Resolution (CMR), National Certificate for Door Supervisors (NCDS), Physical Interventions (PI), Fire Safety (FS) & Personal Safety (PS).

Please visit our website at

Image – Peter Mayhew

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