Tuesday 3 October 2006

Conflict Management & Resolution Training

Title – Conflict Management & Resolution training
Date – October 2006

Scenario based learning allows those attending to gain a more realistic visualisation of the type of situations they may encounter and how they might approach and resolve those they face.

In this example taken form our Conflict Management and Resolution course (CMR), one of our instructors along with a small group of minibus drivers who operate primarily at night time (driving revellers to and from venues), examine a ‘common’ situation where they discover and individual collapsed / asleep in the back of their vehicle.

The situation seems innocent enough and is one that they encounter in their day to day (night to night) role as a driver. It is one that they have all had to deal with. As with most situations, the straightforward approach works on most occasions. We examine the signs and signals that can tell when it might be advisable to approach with more caution and how to act in a manner where the drivers own personal safety is maintained and risk reduced.

This example of how Conflict Management and Resolution training can be applied to various different sectors, indicates the versatility of both the course itself and the trainers presenting it. We currently do not have trainer who come from bus driving background, but thorough a training needs analysis we present the course with relevance to those candidates attending. At Beyond The Blue we go the extra mile, we took the time in this case to spend a night in the bus with the driver to get a first hand look at what problems they faced, this made our preparation for the course as complete as it could be.

We pride ourselves on our professionalism and we reflect this to candidates attending our courses. This allows them to understand how acting professionally can solve many of the problems and dangers they may encounter in the course of their employment.

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Image – Peter Mayhew

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