Tuesday 3 October 2006

Wrist Grip

Title – Wrist grip
Date – October 2006

The wrist grip is often one of the first signs that a situation or argument is changing from a verbal stage to a more physical one. It is at this stage that often even the slightest wrong move or wrong word can dramatically escalate matters.

The natural reaction to an aggressive party grabbing your wrist is to wrestle it free, but unfortunately this demonstration of force more often then not leads to further force being used by the agressor. This struggle can lead on to further aggression before you even realise what is happening.

At Beyond The Blue we teach techniques that help you to remove yourself from this grip without struggling and often almost without the person who grabbed you even knowing. The calm nature of this and our other ‘low-impact’ disengagement techniques, means that you don’t trigger the natural responses in an aggressor that can escalate a situation. This approach gives you the space and time to practice the non physical techniques and communication skills we teach you in our Conflict Management and Resolution course (CMR).

Please visit our website at

Image – Peter Mayhew

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