Tuesday 3 October 2006

Pit lift

Title – Pit lift
Date – October 2006

The Pit Lift is a standard technique to allow staff working in a pit area (the area in front of a stage) to help remove those being crushed or unable to remove themselves from the front of a crowd, to be evacuated and where required receive the appropriate medical care.

Traditionally the pit area has been the exclusive domain of the most physically strong staff and although there is some merit in the area being staffed by physically capable individuals, we believe that this approach restricts the flexibility within your team, by limiting those that are trained in the key skills.

As part of our In-House Security Induction courses (IHSI) that are tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, we train in-house teams on specific techniques required to ensure the safety of the customers. By training all staff, in all techniques, the team share skills so that the client has the capability to move staff about into different areas. This provides the employer with more flexibility allowing them to be more cost effective with staffing levels.

Beyond The Blue has experience of working with clients from a variety of backgrounds and tailors courses to meet their needs, that of the demographic they serve and the staff employed.

Please visit our website at

Image – Peter Mayhew

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